winding down

Woah, so finally the work is winding down! I’ve had a heck of a semester this time around and I’m so glad I’ve only got one (one page, single-spaced) paper, and an online exam left to worry about, both of which I can completely do on my OWN time. Whew! Although that means I still have to get those things done in a reasonable time frame since I’m a notorious procrastinator… This means I actually have to budget & plan my time.!

Other than trying to get my assignments done, I get to go visit the classroom where I taught this semester in IPS (Indianapolis Public Schools). I probably had the best teacher I’ve ever seen in a classroom especially for first grade. She really knows how to keep the class together and her students truly love and respect her. The kids were also just wonderful, I’ve never had such great personal connections with students in a field experience and I really could have told you something wonderful about each of these kids! One of the main differences was that I actually got to spend a full day in the classroom, morning bell to afternoon dismissal. After spending 10 full days with this class and I already miss them, I can only imagine what it will be like to have my classroom and pass them on to a new teacher at the end of the year! I don’t know if I will actually be able to see the class because I am going to drop off a book I borrowed from the teacher, then have to get a move-on to camp to fill out employment paperwork. BUT I can’t resist showing you what my students (with teacher help, of course!) did for me: !!!

… there are 16 more, but I don’t have time to scan them in.. I need to sleep!

THEN I’m on duty (I’m also an RA) tomorrow night starting at 7pm… therefore I have a really tightly scheduled day tomorrow and will need to do as little dawdling as possible.

SO that is my life for now, and I can’t wait to get this week done with 🙂